What is the difference between hard work and smart work and what is better

Hard work is needed to achieve success, but now the world is changing and hard work has replaced hard work. Now smart workers succeed quickly. Till date, I am telling you about hard work and smart work, what is it and what is the difference between these two.

Everyone does work but not everyone gets success. The biggest reason for this is hard work along with smart work means not adopting change. Today everything has changed and will continue to change, so if you want to be successful in everything, then adopt smart work.

If you get success with hard work, then you get it after a long time and over time our energy is also wasted. I would not call 2 days of work in 10 days a success, rather I want us to finish that work in one day instead of 2 days and save time and our strength.

If you do not understand about hard work and smart work and you are confused about both, then no matter after reading this post, you must have known all about them.

What is the difference between hard work and smart work? Which one is important

What is the difference between hard work and smart work and which of the two is better? This question is most important and one who understands its importance definitely gets success.

  • Hard work is quite old but has come some time back.
  • Hard work requires more physical and brain work and time are also more, but in smart work physical and brain hard work has to be picked up and time is also less.
  • Doing any work in its own way is called hard work and doing the same work in its own way is called smart work.
  • Hard work means working with the body and smart work means working with the mind.
  • Hard work is very hard and boring while smart and simple and fun.
  • Hard uses your strength while smart women use your intelligence.
  • Hard work is mostly done only for salary and for the extra bonus with smart work salary.
  • You get only good results from head work whereas smart work gives you fantastic results.

Hard work = more work + more time

Smart work = less work + less time

Hard work = more physical power + less mentally power = work not continue for a long time

Smart work = less physical power + more mentally power = work continue for a long time

With hard work, you can be successful but you cannot work for a long time, whereas with smart work you can work for a long time with success because one uses the body which does not work well for a long time. But your brain can work longer than the body.

Hard Work: You must have heard and read the story of the crows in school in childhood, in which the crow goes to a house to drink water, he finds a matka there but there is very little water in it. He kankar, pour stones in the pot and bring the water up and drink the water.

Smart Work: Today the crows have changed that story and now the same thirsty crow drinks water instead of kankar using a thin pipe in which he does not have to work very hard and takes less time.

If you still have misconceptions about hard work and smart work then let me tell you a short story to explain it. After reading this you will understand everything.

Mohan took an ax and rope and started going towards the forest, then the voice came from behind, "Listen, today, cutting more wood, Anna is going to give the money to the grinder, don't know what you do, Dinu Kaka goes after you, still more wood than you Cut it. ”This was the voice of Mohan's wife, who had to listen to the khuti khoti last evening due to non-payment of flour.

Mohan, listening to all this, went quietly towards the forest. He kept thinking about it on the way. As soon as he reached the forest, he met his friends and said to them that every day we come to cut wood with all Dinu Kaka and Ramu Kaka, they cut more wood than us while both of them are weed and we are young then we have more wood than them Why can't we cut it?

The next day Mohan made a plan together with his friends and he made a bet with Dinu Kaka and Ramu Kaka that today he will cut more wood than them and they will work together perfectly, relax with them and eat with them.

Mohan and his associates cut wood all day with all their strength and were confident that today they will definitely defeat Dinu Kaka and Ramu Kaka.

It was evening and everyone gathered in one place by taking their bundles of wood, but what about Mohan's eyes, Ramu Kaka and Dinu Kaka's bundles were left open because their wood was still more than the pictures of Mohan and his friends was.

Mohan and his colleagues could not believe that they had lost the bet. In the end, Mohan asked Dinu Kaka that "How can you both cut more wood than us, and what we could not do when we were young is the reason behind it."

Dinu Kaka smiled and said to Mohan, "Son, we can't win just by working hard, we should work smarter as well." When we were all resting in the afternoon, you would have seen us that we were talking and sharpening our ax by rubbing it on the stone while you were just laughing. Because of not sharpening the ax for a long time, you could not cut more wood than that. ”

Mohan kept thinking about it at first, but within a short time he understood everything that more wood can be cut than a sharp-edged weapon, there is no benefit from applying more power without a sharp-edged weapon.

Hopefully, with Mohan, you too have understood everything that is the difference between hard work and smart work. So start getting smart with hardware as well because success comes to both hearts, but the smart woman gets quick success and today people consider her to be the real success.

I agree that hard work is necessary but in today's time, smart work has become even more important. The successful man calls it the one who performs the work of years in months and who works in his own way i.e. the most different way.


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